Tuesday, 9 December 2008

5 different titles/captions/text with 1 image

1. Hands

Monday, November 27, 2006

Hands live to caress and love.

Hands live to fight and die.

Forever living hands, forever exploring are hands.

Remarkable hands, storied hands.

Hands, hands can build.

Hands can mold, shape, and speak.

Hands can grasp for the heavens, touch it and believe in the make believers.

Through the fingers thoughts explode as pen touches paper.

Tones and melodies erupt from inner emotions becoming reality.

Heart and soul become one as fingers scrawl quickly, feverishly.

Pounding blood surges through the fingers forcing the pen onward, causing tears to fall from an eye.

Truth flows from the mind; the hand transports it into being.

Embracers of the brush, digits move carefully following intricate lines drawn on canvas.

Colors blend together, vibrant, beautiful, soaring to mosaics of sky and water.

The calming sense of touch slows the scene until order graces the fabric.

Forgotten til’ their lost.

Forgotten until they are crippled, hands are taken for granted for their life giving talent.

Bent and crooked they are silenced from the song they once sang.

Memories now distant are relegated to the wall or museums.

Dusty shelves house the books of the once pulsating, vital, movements that the hand generated.

Hands have saved lives and taken them just as easily.

They create the saviors of life as well as the purveyors of death.

Creating and destroying with a single move a finger can move mountains or search the unknown heavens.

Hands live to caress and love.

Hands live to fight and die.

Forever living hands, forever exploring are hands.

2. 'Poem for hands'

by Sarah McGreevy

Palm pond
Mirror of me.
A picture of you.
Lines on hands
On fingers
A different sort of writing
Tell me my fortune
Or us your imagination:
Lucky in life
One day
Finger prints
None the same
All different
Life changes
Imagine a life story
In your hands
Tell me your story:

3. "My hands are clean, but my heart has somewhat of impurity."


4. "The wise hand does not all the tongue dictates."

Cervantes (Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra)

5. "There is no better sign of a brave mind than a hard hand."

William Shakespeare

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Flatness and Space

"How, with their vision, do they concrete into visual poetry that sticks in our memory and stimulates our thinking?"
Wim Melis
During this project I was mostly interested and concentrated on the use of the medium format camera, which I've never even been holding in my hands before. To feel me comfortable with it I downloaded the manual for Bronica and started to read it very thoroughly.
Mostly my work is more like a research on the given theme. The flatness and the space, the perspective and the feeling of being inside and outside by the same time. The best way to see and feel al them things as I noticed walking around the town is them transitions, passes etc. We use them all the time as shortcuts and being inside them you don't think so often what are they... Who was there 5 minutes before you? They are so still but busy at the same time. It seems that when you enter that kind of space you are the only one in there and when somebody passes it become a bit terrifying because you are so unprotected in them; there is only forward and backward, no lefts or rights. You will definitely feel the deepness of them, although they are on flat paper or screen. I've used 4 different films both in colour and b/w. As usually I'm more fascinated by black and white images where you eye can enjoy details which are often stolen by the colour. The quality of pictures scanned from medium format film is unbelievable. Because it's my first experience it can not be perfect, but I will try to upgrade my skills on this field which is so interesting.
(My research on the project is based on the book NOORDELICHT SENSE OF SPACE and works of Yannick Demmerle who was playing with his film camera in the forest spaces. I really like his works which look like coloured walls but you can even feel the small breeze walking between the forages of the trees.)